3 Ways to Get Better Faster with Acupuncture

Posted: July 14, 2012

“How many acupuncture treatments will I need?” is a question we hear every day in the clinic.  Understandably, everyone wants to feel better fast with as few visits and little expense as possible.  Here are a few things you should know about how to get the best results with the fewest number of treatments.

1.  Have robust qi that is moving well.  While competitive athletes can and often do have miraculous results with one treatment immediately after an injury, this is largely due to the fact that they already have lots of healthy qi and their qi is moving incredibly well.  So, being in outstanding physical condition is the best way to get fast results from acupuncture. If you do not already have robust qi, acupuncture will improve it!

2.  Begin treatment soon after onset of symptoms.  The longer the symptoms have been present, the longer it may take to resolve them.  Treatment is effective for patients who have had a symptom of many months or even years duration, but weekly treatments for a month or two may be needed if this is the case.

3.  Healthy diet and movement will speed recovery.   If you do not already eat a diet centered on whole foods, your practitioner can help you find easy ways to make doable improvements, step by step.  And if you are missing healthy, regular movement that promotes the flow of qi, ask your practitioner for easy and enjoyable tips that will speed the results you receive from acupuncture.